Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dear Students and Families of Fifth Graders,

Welcome to our very own BLOG of Room 315! As future college graduates and future workers of the world, I not only want to prepare students for junior high, but also their FUTURE as a computer user of the 21st century! We are all becoming very aware of technology and its’ importance in our daily lives.

How will we do this? With our very own BLOG! I was hoping our class would enjoy taking part in an experience designed to introduce them to weblogs. A weblog, or blog as they are commonly called, is a special type of web page that can be created and easily updated using a web browser.
The idea is to allow the students an opportunity to utilize this technology to read, write and respond to questions, comments or links, while at the same time sharing their thoughts with a real audience, you!

What will our blog be used for?
1. Completion of Homework
2. Posting thoughts, opinions, and homework
3. To learn and be involved in fifth grade
4. To become more Technology SAVY!!!


A few times a week, I may post a comment, problem or a link to a website, and invite the students to share opinions, thoughts, and get homework via email from home. These tasks are meant to familiarize students with a form of communication which has already transformed many fields within our society (journalism, politics, business), and will soon transform education as well.Having a real audience is the key component to this experience. In addition to receiving comments, parents, grandparents, other family, are also invited to visit the blog and respond. Potentially, anyone on the internet could respond to our blog, however, it is not likely that the world at large will stumble across it. You will only post your comments as “Anynonmous,” but you can include your first name if you choose.

NO USERNAME AND PASSWORD NECESSARY. This blogging experience is designed to minimize risk to your child. The only personally identifying information included in the blog will be their first name. The will be no mention of our school name or our location. Students will not be allowed to post their age, email address, photographs of themselves, or other sensitive information.
Here is how simple it is!

1. Log onto www.fifthgradeblogger.blogspot.com
2. Click on Fifth Grade Blogger or another posting on the right hand side
3. Click on Post a Comment
4. Write your Posting under “Leave a Comment”
6. PROOFREAD your comment
7. Click the ORANGE BAR to Publish your COMMENT
8. Go into the BLOG to check out your blog posting!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss Paulson for posting the rules. I hope that we use this the right way and have fun with it! It would be really cool to see my ideas on the internet.


Anonymous said...

I hope we can do the blog for the rest of the year.
